Tuesday, July 17, 2012


It has come to the attention of the commissioner’s office that several playoff teams might be considering “roster loading” for the coming postseason, possibly trying to add “ringers” to their team for the sole purpose of “getting better.”
As you know, this is supposed to be a fun league and none of us got into this to win championships. We like having an adult beverage, enjoying the pristine beauty of Fairmount Park and having some honest exercise. (Which can also be accomplished, by the by, with a weekend EdVenture. It just so happens there is one coming up next weekend, the Fishtown Thrill Rallye, but more on that later.)
Anyway, the idea of adding players who have not been part of one’s team for the postseason is repugnant to our CCSL ideals, and please be assured that the commissioner’s office will be “keeping an eye out” for irregularities.
As a refresher, here is Rule 14, Section A from our league handbook:
14. Playoffs 
a)    Players are considered eligible for playoffs if they have played in at least six regular season games or are known by name to 75% of the captains.  In the event a player is injured, but attends the game, this counts towards eligibility unless the injured played is carried off the field by members of the opposing team.

That last bit is also known at the John Spencer Rule, although it has not been applied recently once it was determined that Spencer had been carried off the field by members of ALL the opposing teams in the league.
But there you have it. If your postseason player did not appear in (or at, in the case of those who were injured, but not carried off the field by opponents) at least six games are not welcome to take part in our annual Festival of Champions.
So, folks. Don’t embarrass yourself by trying to sneak in an ineligible player. The commissioner is watching and he doesn’t miss much.

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