Monday, May 7, 2012


We're off and running, kids, and I don't know how things could be going much better in the Center City Softball League, which is really, if you think about it, just a reflection of good organization at the top of the league.
I expect to hear any day now about that sixth field permit that we knew we were going to need if we wanted to expand from eight to 10 teams and not get ourselves into a nightmare situation with the scheduling. Nope, we're too smart for that.
As it turns out, though, nagging the Fairmount Park Commission can have a little bit of a downside. When you complain about not having enough fields, those darn guys -- with kind of a wacky sense of humor, you must admit -- dig up one of the fields that we do have. I'm sure you've noticed that Dairy 2 is under construction, and those of you who have been scheduled to play there this season had to go on a scavenger hunt for another field.
But, you know what, scavenger hunts can be kind of fun. And that reminds me. If anyone is looking for an Edventure this coming weekend, I am sponsoring a City Hunt on Saturday and Sunday. Three-person teams, which must include at least one female, will scour Philadelphia for misspelled street signs. When you locate one, you have to cut it down and bring it to the Cherry Street Tavern to register your find. All signs become property of Club Edventure, but if you are sentimental about it, we'll be happy to sell it back to you at a reasonable price! Anyway, register now or miss out on a great time!
Now, where were we? Oh, yes, softball. As you can see by the standings, the new guys, those wacky Catahoula Refugees, are undefeated in one division and the South Philly Tap Room is undefeated in the other. The rest of you also-rans are having nice seasons, too, I'm sure, although I'm not paying that much attention.
Please send me any suggestions or complaints and keep us informed of where those darned games are being played, if anywhere. Just think of it as an adventure. Better yet, an Edventure!

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