Thursday, May 24, 2012


Yes, Hoagiefest is upon us, according to Sandwich Chairman Phyllis Demon and the scheduled date is June 5 at Dairy 2. This is the 3rd Annual Hoagiefest and the previous ones have been great, except for last year when Ron Goldwyn ate all the hoagies.
As you know, there are proceeds in the Center City Softball League bank account to cover prepared meats, cheese and fabulous rolls, and these are a result of your continuing participation in Edventures!
Speaking of which, this coming weekend, we will be Edventuring around the city of Philadelphia. Prizes will go to the teams that can solve the mystery of which Broad Street Line station has the cleanest restroom. Sounds like fun to me.
Participating teams can register ($35 registration fee) with me, and must also purchase a CleanliSwab Kit ($15) and ToxiWaste Holder ($12) to qualify for the fabulous prizes, which include one free pint of Woodchuck Cider at Cherry Street Tavern (minus a $4 handling charge) and a batting practice ball signed by adult film legend Don Money.
So, don't miss Hoagiefest. Should be another cracker of a good time.

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