Sunday, May 27, 2012

Important Reminders!!!!

Everyone, I hate to be a Gloomy Gus, but I have  to draw your attention a problem that's currently running rampant throughout the CCSL.  Apparently, some people have been playing for a couple of teams due to scheduling, rain, and women concerns.  This is not acceptable.  I don't want to name anyone specifically, but there are 3 people who have played for multiple teams this year.  Two girls have done this and one guy to the Office's knowledge.  One girl played for the Tap Room then defected to the Refugees for what I assume are obvious reasons.  Another girl played for the Franklin Institute then played a game for the Fleisher Art Museum.  The guy, a cousin of some other new guy named TJ (apparently people really are named TJ) played for the Philadelphia Art Museum then for the Refugees.  No fines or suspensions will be rendered for prior infractions but shall be handed down going forward.  Remember that you must follow the league rules if you wish to change teams and get your 300 word narratives in early!  They must be laminated and written in Courier at 18 pt font for ease of readability. 

Moving on, there has been a rash of pitching injuries recently, mostly due to over-eager hitters.  Just a reminder to protect yourself out there.  Catcher's gear can be purchased from the League office for $32.50 and pitchers are allowed to wear arm guards ($17), leather tunics ($44), or use a large padded cushion ($22) to deflect wayward balls.  These prices do not include tax and service charges.  Please email the league for further inquiries.

Now that the gloominess is over, I'd like to also remind you of the Full Moon Rallye that's coming up soon. June 12-23. Remember to bring your owns skiffs and scuttleabouts.  See that email that I sent to all of you for registration fees and rules and also know that as a friendly competitive warning, Carolyn and I will be winning all the marbles so expect to compete for 2nd place!  Just kidding.  Stay safe and see you soon!

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